When I heard a young man sing,
A 'love me tender' song,
I never dreamed my infatuation.
Would ever last this long.
Although I was just a pre-teen,
I remember being thrilled,
By his smile and wild gyrations.
{The man excites me still!}
He was such a charismatic man,
And admired by everyone!
He is often imitated,
I did it once for fun!
I wore a hat to hide my curles,
And painted side burns on my face.
Lip-sinked to a 45 of 'Hound Dog',
And wiggled all over the place!
Even into adulthood,
I kept my girlhood crush,
He's given me fond memories.
That have enriched my life so much.
When I learned that he had passed,
I remember how I cried.
My only dream was to some day see him.
My 'idol' with my dream had died.
Someday I know I will meet him,
In His mansion in the sky.
'Till then I'll comfort in the thought,
Good-bye my Elvis, Good-bye.
by:Gloria Dianne
{Inscription on Elvis' Tomb}
He was a precious gift from God
We cherished and loved dearly.
He had a God-given talent
That he shared with the world.
And without a doubt,
He became most widely acclaimed;
Capturing the hearts of young and old alike.
He was admired not only as an entertainer,
But as the great humanitarian that he was;
For his generosity, and his kind feelings
For his fellow man.
He revolutionized the field of music and
Received its highest awards.
He became a living legend in his own time,
Earning the respect and love of millions.
God saw that he needed some rest and
Called him home to be with Him.
We miss you, Son and Daddy.
I thank God that He gave us you as our son.
By Vernon Presley